Capricorn 22 December-20 January

Well, Capricorn, are you finding that doing the right thing, or at least being seen to do the right thing, isn’t as easy as actually getting on with what you want to? You are often driven by what you think others would approve or of what is exsepected of you, and to be honest none of that has any bearing on what you want-or at least it shouldn’t. Happlily, you are likely to be a straight farward induvidual, and somewhere down the line you will see you are caught up in illusion or success over hapiness.

Not at the top of the listwhen it comes to believeing, you are someone that question things more than others.

The animal that represent’s you, is a goat, but do you know what that means? Sure-footed and able to get to the top of most difficult terrain, it tells those around you that you are capable individual who will sucseed in everything you do.

Capricorn character taits

Practical. inspirational. patient, ambitious, cautious, reserved, rigid, inflexible, pessimistic.

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