
All posts for the month November, 2011

Astrology:The meaning of North Nodes?

Published November 2, 2011 by The gift

The Nodes of the moon aren’t really planets, they are mathematical points formed by the moon’s orbit around the earth’s path around the sun. You got that? No matter what you need to know is they will give you new information based on your year and date of birth, information that goes way back – and i mean way back, as far as past life in fact. These are indicated by the position of the south node. This is the one we will be working with. The nodes give an interesting view of the strength and weaknesses in your chart and also show what you are being asked to develop and what you are being asked to leave behind.

Astrology: Sun signs

Published November 1, 2011 by The gift

The whole astrology thing is interesting to say the least, but where it came from is anyone’s guess, as is where it’s going, As more and more investigation in to influence of the planets goes on, we learn more about how to use this tool for our own development and to help others.

Star signs:

Shall we start with your star sign? We were first split into these 12 sections to make it easier for the newspaper astrologers to give prediction based on something that everyone could understand. The sun moves approximately on a degree per day, making it easy to follow; it never moves retrograde (backwards), and everyone knows there sun sign.

Remember always the sun sign are only a very small part of who we are. There are ten planets (8 really, as the sun and the moon are luminaries), 12 signs and 12 section in your chart, and they all play there part. It takes at least 25,000 years for a personal chart to be repeated perfectly, so you are unique, check out your sun sign on the astrology pages.