Aquarius 21 January-19 Febuary

Anyone that knowes you will know you are independent sort, and best to be left alone untill you go looking for help. For you that is better than being bombarded with lot’s of offers! It can sometime mean you are in trouble before you get round to asking. The odd thing of you are a team player.

You are origanal-unique there will be something odd about you that makes you hard to be forgoton.

You can be stubborn just like a tarus, more so infact, wich can make some things tough. Emotionally, you may not share as much as some and prefer to use your lodgic ratther than your emotions. Unpredictable is one of your qualties and bad time-keeping is one of your worst.

You are also a sign that rules magick. someone that knowes how to take lead and turn it in to gold, someone that recognizes what needs to happen yo make something ordinary in us into something that shines.

Aquarius character traits

Friendly, honest, loyal, unique, independent, cantankerous, unpredictable, unusual.

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